Pier 39 Swim

Sunday, April 10
Sign in: 6:45-7:25
Pilot Briefing: 7:30
Swim Briefing: 7:45
Walk to Pier 39: 7:55
Jump: 8:15
Distance:1.5 miles
Signups will be up at the club for Pilots and Swimmers — and *helpers *please contact the team captains below to sign up for helps. Last-minute helps are not always possible but show up and we’ll see what we can do.

Remember you must complete three out of cove swims and contribute two helps or pilots to swim Alcatraz and Golden Gate!
Check-in — Eric Shupert
Timing — Polly Rose
Galley — Sam Ferguson
Boat Partners — Diane Walton
Clean-up — Neal Powers


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