: 5:00 am to 5:40 am
Pilot Briefing: 5:40 am
Swim Briefing: 5:50 am
Walk to gas dock @ Hyde St. marina: 6:05 am
Jump: 6:55 am
For those who have not done so, remember the one-time annual swim dues of $40.00. Also all swimmers must be registered (2014) with US Masters Swimming.
If you have not participated in an out of cove swim with the DC, please be aware that you need to have been a member for at least 6 months and no swim aides are permitted.
In-town members must successfully complete three swims and pilot or help on at least two others to swim Alcatraz and/or the Golden Gate.
Contacting the Captains in advance is very helpful and it assures that your ‘help’ gets credited.
Check-in — Eric Shupert (eps307@…)
Timing — Polly Rose (tvwasok@…)
Galley — John & Nancy Hornor (hornor.01@…)
Clean-up –Aaron Rosenthal (agrosenthal@…)
Clothes Carriers – John Nogue, (nogue@…) or Virginie Jabbour, (v.jabbour@… )
Sign-up sheets have been posted at the base of the stairs.
See you there!
Virginie Jabbour
Joe Marenda
John Nogue
Dolphin Club Swim Commissioners