Fort Point is Saturday, August 23

Our longest swim of the year is this Saturday, August 23.  We have a good flood (3.4 knots!) and 3.5 miles of coastline to cruise by.  This is the last out-of-cove qualifying swim for Golden Gate and Alcatraz.  So, come on down and jump off a boat. Registration is 6:30 AM to 7:15 AM.  Pilot briefing is at 7:15 AM.  Swim Briefing is at 7:30 AM.  We walk to the boat at 7:40 AM.  The boat departs at 8:00 AM.  Jump is at 8:30.  $10 boat fee.  To swim Golden Gate or Alcatraz, swimmers need three qualifying out-of-cove swims and two helps.  Since we need to hire a boat, if you sign up and can’t make it, please email us, preferably 72-hours in advance, but any notice is appreciated.  If you can’t sign up at the club, but plan on showing up, please email us.  We need pilots for this swim and all the usual “helpers.”

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