We need all athletes, especially runners and swimmers. Lets keep the plaque!
Dolphin Club/SERC -Inter-club Triathlon Rules
General requirements:
- The South End will host the event on years ending in an even number and the Dolphin’s will host on odd years.
- Each participant must be a current member in good standing of the club they are representing.
- Each participant must be cleared by their club to participant in the event they entered (i.e. must be cleared to row or to swim out of the cove).
The race will consist of 7 heats. One in each boat category.
Barge race: Consists of six women rowers and one cox (either sex) per boat. The race will be from Alcatraz Island to the opening of Aquatic Park.
All other heats: The Race will be from the opening of Aquatic Park, around Alcatraz, and back to the opening of Aquatic Park. The course may be changed due to outside conditions i.e. fog, restrictions posted by the Coast Guard etc.
Scoring: 295 points total
Barge race: 45 points. Winner takes all.
Shell doubles: 45 points. First place 25 points. Second place 15. Third place 5.
Shell Singles: 45 points. First place 25 points. Second place 15. Third place 5.
Viking Doubles: 45 points. First place 25 points. Second place 15. Third place 5.
Viking Singles: 25 points. Winner takes all.
Heavy doubles: 45 points. First place 25 points. Second place 15. Third place 5.
Heavy singles: 45 points. First place 25 points. Second place 15. Third place 5.
Either club can use any boat, oars, rudders or safety equipment owned by their respective clubs. Each boat will have minimum safety equipment on board during the race.
Swimming: 290 points
Swim will be from Yacht Harbor stairs to the SE/DC beach.
Cut off time for the swim will be 60 minutes.
The first 100 swimmers will be scored.
Swimmers must enter Aquatic Park through the opening at the end of Muni Pier (can’t use Farnsworth gap).
Swim Scoring
First place 20 points, second place 19, third place 18………….eighteenth place 3, nineteenth place 2, twentieth place 1 point. Twenty first through one hundredth each get 1 point.
Running: 290 points
Run will be from the front of the clubs, to the plaque on Fort Point and back. Runners can take any route they choose, as long as they touch the plaque.
Cut off time will be 90 minutes.
The first 100 runners will be scored.
Bonus Points:
Any member who participates in all three events and gets at least one point in the swim and run will get 3 additional participation points.
These rules will remain in effect every year no matter which club hosts the triathlon.