Pride Swim is Sunday, June 21

Get a jump on Pride Week on Sunday, June 21 with our annual Pride swim.  The last few swims have been floods, but this time we go the other way on a 3.1 knot ebb.  Nice ebb, nice time, nice friends. The jump is from Pier 39.  Check In: 6:15-6:55 AM, Pilot Briefing: 7:00, Swim Briefing: 7:15, Walk to Pier 39: 7:30, Jump from Dock: 8:00.  This swim isn’t timed, so stop and enjoy the scenery, and paddle around with your friends. Costumes are welcome, as long as an orange cap is incorporated.  SE is invited to join, so there may be some yellow caps mixed in.  Swimmers must have 2015 USMS membership.  This swim counts as an out-of-cove qualifier for Alcatraz and Golden Gate. “Helps” count too.

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