The 2015-2016 Polar Bear Season ends on Monday, March 21 at 11 PM. Everyone completing the Polar Bear, including Old Goats, should total their miles next to their name before 11 PM on March 21. If you are first time Polar Bear swimmer, total your miles and write a “V” next to your miles. Everyone should write their name and their miles legibly. If you have been swimming under a pseudonym, please write your correct name.
We have a new club record in the making: Duke Dahlin will have swum 400 miles between December 21 and March 21, about 35 miles a week.
We know you have been hard at it, filling in those squares just like Duke, so be sure your mileage counts towards another marble block. (Some swimmers from last year have not claimed their blocks or their plates. These are upstairs in the big room in a plastic crate. Unclaimed blocks will be recycled for 2016, so claim them soon.)
Polar Bear awards will be given out at the 2016 Pilot Appreciation Dinner on November 12.