DC/SERC Triathlon – Volunteers needed – Saturday, Sept. 8

We are looking for volunteers to help with the DC/SERC TRIATHLON, Saturday September 8.  (You will need 3 helps to qualify for Alcatraz).  If you are available to help, please contact these people directly):

Clothes Wranglers: Terry Horn     3 needed; the more the merrier.  BONUS:  You will get to park in the DC stall.                                                 terryhorn@sbcglobal.net

Check-in: Eric Shupert                    eps307@hotmail.com

Timing:  Polly Rose                          pollyrose1612@gmail.com

Galley:  John Horner                       hornor.01@gmail.com

Robin Rome                      robinrrome@gmail.com

Clean Up:  Neal Powers                 nipowerssf@gmail.com

Here’s the timing:

Here is the final agenda for next Saturday’s inter-club triathlon. Please note that you MUST check-in at the South End on the morning of the event in order to receive your competitor number and be counted.

If you do not check in, your participation won’t count!!!!

If you are ROWING, please arrive at the club by 5:30am to check in and prepare.

If you are SWIMMING, please arrive at the club by 7:00am to check in and prepare.

If you are RUNNING, please arrive by 9:30am to check in and prepare.

Light refreshments (coffee, juice, donuts, bagels, fruit, etc.) will be available for our competitors at the Dolphin Club all morning. After the event concludes, lunch and beer will be served at the South End.

Finally, even if you are not competing, PLEASE COME DOWN TO THE CLUB next Saturday to support our athletes!


5:00am             Registration opens

6:00am             Rowing registration closes

7:30am             Swim registration closes

10:00am            Run registration closes


5:45am              Final rowing roster from registration

6:00am              First boats start

8:30am              All boats in and finished


7:30am              Pilot briefing

8:00am              Swim briefing

8:30am              Buses leave to Yacht Harbor
9:00am              Jump from Yacht Harbor
11:00am            All swimmers in, and zodiacs put away


10:50am            Runners briefing
11:00am            Runners take off / start
12:30pm            Running cut-off time

12:30 – 2:00pm   Lunch served

Final Results / Announcements
2:00pm              Final announcements


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