Fort Point Swim, Saturday August 25, 2018

Sign-up sheets have been posted for the Fort Point Swim, Saturday, August 25, 2018.  The length of the swim is approximately 3.2 miles.  We will be swimming with the flood.

This swim will be limited to the first 49 swimmers to sign-up.  We will have a wait list after #49, just in case there are no-shows on the day of the swim.

Here’s the timing:

Sign in                 6:30 – 7:15 am     BOAT FEE $20
Pilot briefing        7:15
Swim briefing      7:45
Walk to boat        8:00
Jump                   9:00

We always have HELP opportunities – You will need 3 helps to qualify for the Alcatraz Swim.

We will need help at the following posts (Please contact these people directly):

Clothes Wranglers: Terry Horn     3 needed; the more the merrier.  BONUS:  You will get to park in the DC stall.

Check-in: Eric Shupert          

Timing:  Polly Rose           

Galley:  John Horner            

Clean Up:  Neal Powers       

If this is your first swim of the year, the check-in desk will collect the annual $50 swim fee from you.  If this is your first 2018 swim AND your USMS membership is listed with a club other than the Dolphin Club, please bring a copy of your USMS card.

BRING BACK THE PLAQUE!  Here is an easy link to Sign up for the DC/SERC Triathlon – Saturday, September 8!


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