New Year’s Day Alcatraz Qualifier

December 18,2021

The following swimmers completed the NYD Alcatraz Qualifier, and are qualified to swim the SERC NYD Alcatraz Swim.

place     f. name        l. name                  time

1           Ryan              Utsumi                    00:31:01

2           Quinn            Fitzgerald                00:31:09

3           John               Renko                     00:33:14

4           Suzanne         Heim                       00:34:06

5           michael          tschantz-Hahn        00:36:34

6           Sean               Mcfadden               00:40:28

7           Donald           Thornburg              00:40:34

8           Lauren           Au Brinkmeyer       00:41:12

9           Ben                Clark                       00:42:40

10         Randall          Edwards                  00:42:58

11         Devan            Nielsen                   00:43:40

12         Jaron              Ness                        00:43:46

13         John               Stassen                   00:44:30

14         Thomas          Reynolds                 00:44:40

15         Augusta         Hopkins                  00:48:46

16         george           chamales                00:48:50

17         Beth               Stein                       00:49:14

18         Peter              Cullinan                  00:49:54

19         John               Mervin                    00:50:10

20         David             O’Reilly                   00:51:10

21         Lewis             Haidt                       00:51:34

22         Jonathan       Wright                    00:52:44

23         Mickey           Lavelle                    00:52:46

24         Bianca            Liederer                  00:53:54

25         Joe                 Ferrero                   00:55:40

26         Bobby            Lu                            00:56:40

27         Andy              Stone                      00:58:04

28         Heejay           Chung                     01:02:08

29         Quinn            Duffy                       01:02:24

30         Lisa                Domitrovich           01:02:26

31         Gretchen       Coffman                  01:03:40

32         Kathleen        Duffy                       01:03:52

33         Shane            Mervin                    01:04:08

34         Hal                 Offen                      01:04:50

35         Emily              Silverman               01:05:58

36         SCOTT            CAUCHOIS              01:08:14

37         George          Carvalho                 01:14:50

Thanks to the following for making the swim possible:


Nathaniel Berger, Jon Bielinski, Paul Chong, Steve Hanson, Terry Horn, Carolyn Hui, Diane Jackson, Ann Koch, Timothy Kreutzen, Richard McClellan, Joseph Omran, Gina Rus, Wafaa Sabil, Scott Stark, Kei Terauchi, Ramsey Williams


Susan Allen, Peter Cullinan, Nancy Friedman, Brian Gilbert, Bobby Lu, David O’Reilly, Emily Pimentel, Polly Rose, Eric Shupert, Amanda Stone

Swim Commissioners

Tom Neill, Elaine Van Vleck

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