2022 Doc Howard Over 45; and Over 30 Under 45

June 4, 2022

Normally these swims are from the Gashouse, but due to the unusual amount of traffic and usage of the Bay, the swim was switched to an in-cove, around the cove swim.  Normally there is a third division, the Under 39 group, but none showed up to swim. 

The results are listed twice: once in group order, first B representing the Over 30 Under 45 group and C representing the Over 45 group; and second, the over-all finish order.  All who finished have a swim credited to their Alcatraz and Golden Gate qualifying.


Danny De Leon, John Grunstad, Brian Kiernan, Dominic Lusinchi, Scott Morris, Joey Murphy, John Robiola, Madhuri Yechuri


Joni Beemsterboer, Steve Carlson, Marc Cruciger, Lisa Domitrovich, Erin Gasser, Brian Gilbert, John Henderson, Pia Hinckle, Kati Hopman, Tom Hunt, Diane Livia, Keith Nelson, Lorna Newlin, Polly Rose, Anne Sasaki, Donna Schumacher, Brooke Segaran, Beth Stein, Diane Walton, Crissa Williams

Swimmers, by Group:

Group     Place    F. Name     L. Name                  Swim Time

B              1          Megan       Wachs                    00:27:36

B              2          Brooke       Segaran                  00:28:25

B              3          Andrea       Gains-Germain       00:30:13

C              1          Michael     Tschantz-Hahn       00:22:30

C              2          Stephen     Schatz                     00:24:45

C              3          John           Haymaker               00:25:33

C              4          Mickey       Lavelle                    00:25:39

C              5          Laurence    Flavell                     00:26:15

C              6          John           Mervin                    00:27:41

C              7          Morgan      Kulla                       00:28:11

C              8          Alfred        Seccombe               00:28:37

C              9          Andrew      Nance                     00:28:59

C              10        Nancy        Hornor                    00:29:05

C              11        Bob            Blum                       00:29:16

C              12        Eric            Reed                       00:29:34

C              13        Lisa            Domitrovich           00:29:55

C              14        Peter          Neubauer               00:30:17

C              15        Pia             Hinckle                   00:30:22

C              16        Anne          Sasaki                     00:30:23

C              17        Keith          Nelson                    00:30:51

C              18        Hal             Offen                      00:31:18

C              19        Rick            Perez                      00:33:31

C              20        Kent           Myers                     00:35:00

C              21        Sheila         Gleeson                  00:35:21

C              22        David         Holmes-Kinsella     00:35:35

C              23        Janice        Wood                     00:38:59

C              24        Donna        Schumacher           00:40:24

C              25        Lorna         Newlin                    00:40:54

C              26        Michael     Barber                    00:43:31

C              27        Robert       Ross                        00:44:46

Swimmers, over-all finish:

Place    F. Name      L. Name                  Group     Swim Time

1          Michael       Tschantz-Hahn        C             00:22:30

2          Stephen      Schatz                     C             00:24:45

3          John            Haymaker               C             00:25:33

4          Mickey        Lavelle                     C             00:25:39

5          Laurence     Flavell                      C             00:26:15

6          Megan         Wachs                     B             00:27:36

7          John            Mervin                    C             00:27:41

8          Morgan       Kulla                        C             00:28:11

9          Brooke        Segaran                   B             00:28:25

10        Alfred          Seccombe               C             00:28:37

11        Andrew       Nance                      C             00:28:59

12        Nancy          Hornor                    C             00:29:05

13        Bob             Blum                       C             00:29:16

14        Eric              Reed                        C             00:29:34

15        Lisa              Domitrovich            C             00:29:55

16        Andrea        Gains-Germain        B             00:30:13

17        Peter           Neubauer                C             00:30:17

18        Pia               Hinckle                    C             00:30:22

19        Anne           Sasaki                      C             00:30:23

20        Keith           Nelson                     C             00:30:51

21        Hal               Offen                       C             00:31:18

22        Rick             Perez                       C             00:33:31

23        Kent            Myers                      C             00:35:00

24        Sheila          Gleeson                   C             00:35:21

25        David           Holmes-Kinsella      C             00:35:35

26        Janice          Wood                      C             00:38:59

27        Donna         Schumacher            C             00:40:24

28        Lorna           Newlin                    C             00:40:54

29        Michael       Barber                     C             00:43:31

30        Robert         Ross                        C             00:44:46

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