2.5 miles on a 2.3 knot flood. Crissy Field is our next swim, on Sunday, May 31st. Check in: 6:45-7:30 AM, Pilot Briefing: 7:30, Swim Briefing: 7:45, Walk to Boats: 8:00, JUMP OFF SAID BOATS: 8:45. This swim has a $20 boat fee. Please cancel by emailing DolphinSwimCommissioner@gmail.com or you will be charged the $20. Better yet, don’t cancel, enjoy the tide ride. The Bay has warmed up, so you have no excuse. (Doyle Drive will be open after all, so that excuse is gone too.)
To swim Alcatraz or Golden Gate, members must have 3 qualified out of cove swims and two helps. Only 3 more Club swims in the Bay (4 if you are over 45) before Golden Gate.