2016 New Year’s Day Cove Swim

January 1, 2016

New Year’s Day Cove swim was divided into 3 swims:

Short: To the flag buoy and back, .5 miles

Medium: To the opening, then the flag buoy, then back, .75 miles

Long: Once around the Cove, 1.0 miles

Place           Course     F.Name       L.Name                Time

1                  s              Mary           Alex                     0:17:25

2                  s              Nancy         Friedman           0:17:40

3                  s              Era              Osibe                  0:18:59

4                  s              Robin         Rome                  0:19:30

5                  s              Susan         Lauritzen            0:19:54

6                  s              Mary           Cantini-Norkin  0:20:28


1                  m             Will            Powning             0:32:17

2                  m             Joe              Gannon              0:34:12

3                  m             Stuart         Gannes              0:38:08


1                  l               Ryan           Utsumi               0:24:22

2                  l               Morgan      Kulla                   0:30:27

3                  l               Nancy         Lange                  0:30:38

4                  l               Joni            Beemsterboer   0:33:26

5                  l               Peter          Cullinan             0:34:47

6                  l               Michael     Caniglia             0:36:14

7                  l               Alex            Buehlmann       0:38:29



Vincent Huang, Robert Mackey




Susan Allen, Michael Barber, Joni Beemsterboer, Peter Cullinan, Sue Garfield, Brian Gilbert, Anne Hamersky, Tom Hunt, Nancy Lange, Bri McCarthy, Daragh Powers, Neal Powers, Polly Rose, Susan Saylor, Janice Wood

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