Golden Gate Bridge Swim – Sunday August 19

Sign-up sheets have been posted for the Golden Gate Bridge Swim, Sunday, August 19, 2018.  The swim will be limited to 99 swimmers.

This swim has a water start (from a boat) with the end of a flood, through slack and ending with the beginning of the ebb.  After finishing, you will board the boat and wait until all swimmers have finished – there will be hot chocolate etc.  We start from the south of the bridge and swim north.  The length is a little over 1 mile.

Here’s the timing:

Sign in                5:45 am- 6:30     BOAT/EMS FEE $40
Pilot briefing     6:30
Swim briefing   6:45
Walk to boat     7:00
Jump                  8:00

We always have HELP opportunities – You will need 3 helps to qualify for the Alcatraz Swim.

We will need help at the following posts (Please contact these people directly):

Check-in: Eric Shupert          

Timing:  Polly Rose           

Galley:  John Horner            

Clean Up:  Neal Powers       

If this is your first swim of the year, the check-in desk will collect the annual $50 swim fee from you.  If this is your first 2018 swim AND your USMS membership is listed with a club other than the Dolphin Club, please bring a copy of your USMS card.

BRING BACK THE PLAQUE!  Here is an easy link to Sign up for the DC/SERC Triathlon – Saturday, September 8!

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