
Take the Plunge

Founded in 1877, the Dolphin Swimming and Boating Club is a diverse and thriving community of people from all over the Bay Area and the world. We are an adventurous and safety-minded club that loves the San Francisco Bay.

The Dolphin Club is currently at near capacity, so we’re making efforts to ensure that the Club continues to work for everyone — members, both new and long-standing — and the general public. To that end, we are limiting the number of new members to ten each month. The application form will open at 7:00am, the first Wednesday of every month. Please follow the steps outlined below.  Note: When the monthly quota is reached, the application form closes. Please re-apply for a subsequent month.

In the meantime, we welcome you to join us at the Club on a day-basis during our public-access hours, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The day-use fee is: cash ($10.00), check ($12.00), or square ($12.67.) and provides full access to the our facilities, with the exception of boats and SUP’s. It’s a great way to get to know us better… and for us to get to know you as well. 

How to Join

    1. We encourage you to explore the website and to use the club on our public access days – Mon/Weds/Fri from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., to become familiar with it prior to joining, to determine if this is the club for you. 
    2. Fill out the Online Application Form which opens at 7:00 am, the first Wednesday of the month you want to join. [Read DSBC Privacy and Data Security Policy here]. Please note, when the monthly quota is reached, the application form closes. Please re-apply for a subsequent month.
    3. Read and sign our Online Waiver
    4. Look out for an email regarding the status of your application. Once accepted you will be asked to pay a non-refundable $127 application fee within 5 days. This payment secures your spot for admission to the club.
    5. Attend the New Member meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5:30-7:30pm. The balance of membership dues will be paid at this time. Attendance is mandatory for completing your membership. 


    1. If your application fee is not received or you do not attend the 3rd Wednesday meeting, you will lose your spot.
    2. Applications must be filled out on-line and application fee paid in advance. We do not take “walk-ins” the night of the monthly board meeting.

Membership Includes:

  • Keyed, year-round access to our historic clubhouse on San Francisco’s Aquatic Park cove.
  • Use of all club facilities, including handball court, gym, hot showers and saunas, communal kitchen, and community areas.
  • Use of boats, including our historic wooden fleet, after completing the mandatory rowing training (offered monthly).
  • Organized club swims and rows throughout the year. (Note: You must be a member in good standing for six months before participating in out-of-cove swims. Alcatraz and Golden Gate swims require three qualifying swims and two swim helps.)
  • Opportunity to join annual Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon (the original!)
  • Dolphin Log print publication—three editions per year.
  • Social events including mixers, dinners, and lectures open to all members.
  • A range of volunteer opportunities, including events, governance, community support, and fleet and facility maintenance.

2024 Fees and Annual Dues 

$127 One-time non-refundable initiation fee 
$583 Regular members
$523 Senior members (age 65 and over)
$145 Out of Town members (residing more than 100 miles from the Club) 

Have questions? Need additional information? Please contact

Applicants for membership to the Dolphin Club shall not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, age, ancestry, national origin, sex, political affiliation, sexual orientation, physical handicap, marital status, medical condition (cancer related) conditions diagnosed as Acquired Immune Deficiency or AIDS Related Conditions, or any other grounds prohibited by law. – San Francisco Rec and Park Commission Resolution 161619a