Current Conditions

Today at the club, conditions will be mostly sunny and mild with a light wind starting from the south, shifting to the west-northwest by afternoon. The water is quite cold at 52.7F, and there is a weak ebb current in the morning, transitioning to a weak flood around sunset, allowing for good swimming within the cove and rowing towards the Ferry Building. With calm water expected throughout the day, it will be a good opportunity for rowing shells, especially in the morning when the water is expected to be the calmest.

Live Wind (from Sailflow)

Tides (from Tidegraph)

Water Temperature @ Pier 41

The Dolphin Club Weather Station

Tides and Currents

Some good sources to check out:

  • NOAA Tides 
    Tide forecast for Crissy Field.
  • NOAA Currents
    Current forecast for North Point (Pier 35). Bear in mind that currents vary wildly across the Bay. It can be flooding at Alcatraz and while ebbing at Aquatic Park
  • L36 – Tides & Currents Forecast
    Look up tides and currents for any particular day, plus a nice chart to visualize the current.
  • Saildrone Current Visualization
    Interactive, and live visualizations of currents in the Bay. You’ll need to find the ‘SF Currents’ layer in the left-hand menu. We’ve found these visualizations to be very accurate.

Where's the Fog? (from Fog Today)

Current Shipping (from MarineTraffic)